Child Safe Kit



Your Child Profiles

+ New Child Profile

You currently have no Child Profiles.


+ New Guardian Profile

You currently have no Guardian Profiles.

Profiles shared with you

No Child Profiles have been shared with you yet.

Child Safe Kit



Share App

Sharing is Caring

Do other people you know have the Child Safe Kit app? If not, why not share it with them!


Share Child Safe Kit

Share Via:



Share Child Safe Kit


Choose Relationship

Please select the most accurate relationship for who you're sharing Child Safe Kit with.

Please confirm you want to share the app with ""



App Shared

You have successfully shared the Child Safe Kit app with the recipients

They will receive a text message and a representative will contact them to activate the app. You can also share your child profiles with these recipients.

Back to Profiles

Select Contacts


Barbara Miller

Charles Brown

Dorothy Davis

James Williams

John Smith

Linda Jones

Mary Rodriguez

Michael Johnson

Susan Wilson

Thomas Johnson

Share Child Safe Kit

Contact name *

First name * Validate First name is correct

Last name * Validate Last name is correct

Phone number *

State *

City *

Relationship *



Choose Relationship

Please select the most accurate relationship for who you're sharing Child Safe Kit with.


New Message



Please confirm you want to share the app with ""



"Child Safe Kit" Would Like to Access Your Contacts

Used to establish who you would like to share the Child Safety Kit app with.

Don't Allow


How to Share the Child Safe Kit App

To share the Child Safe Kit app select the "Share App" option in the header.

Click the "Share the app" button at bottom of screen.

Select contacts from the contact list or enter the contact's phone number. Then click the green arrow in the upper-right corner of the screen.

If selecting contacts from the contact list the user may have to allow access to their device by selecting "Ok" from the pop-up screen.

Enter the information of the contact to share the app with.

Required information is first name, last name, phone number, state, city and relationship.

Remember to keep the notes brief. Examples include: number of kids (1k, 3d, 2s, 3, etc.), marital status (S, M, SO) and occupation.

When entering the contact's address, the application will recommend cities based on the state entered as the user begins typing the city name.

When ready to advance, click the "Share" button at the bottom of the screen. When prompted to confirm that you would like to share the app click "Continue".

This screen confirms that the app has been shared.

Click "Back To Profiles" to return to the app's home screen or "Share Again" to share the app with another contact.

A list of contacts on the user's device will be displayed on this page. There is no limit to the number of contacts the user can select. Please select five contacts from the list. When ready to continue, click the "Next" button in the upper-right corner.

Review the information from the contacts that were selected and input the additional required information.

Required information is First name, Last name, Phone number, State, City and Relationship.

Remember to keep the notes brief. Examples include: number of kids (1k, 3d, 2s, 3, etc.), marital status (S, M, SO) and occupation.

When entering the contact's address, the application will recommend cities based on the state entered as the user begins typing the city name.

When ready to advance, click the "Share" button at the bottom of the screen. When prompted to confirm that you would like to share the app click "Continue".

The device will open the default text messaging application and create a pre-written text message ready to be sent to the selected contacts.
When ready to send, click the send button. The location or design of this button may vary depending on the text application being used.
In this example click on the green circle in the lower-right corner of the screen.