Child Safe Kit



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Your Child Profiles

+ New Child Profile

You currently have no Child Profiles.


+ New Guardian Profile

You currently have no Guardian Profiles.

Profiles shared with you

No Child Profiles have been shared with you yet.


New Guardian

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New Guardian




New Guardian

New Guardian

Please select the most accurate relationship that best describes the new Guardian to you

New Guardian Created

You have successfully created a new Guardian Profile

You can now share you Child Profiles with this Guardian

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"Child Safe Kit" Would Like to Access Your Contacts

Used to establish who you would like to share the Child Safety Kit app with.

Cancel Creating Guardian Profile?

Progress will be lost


How to Create a New Guardian Profile

On "Profiles" users have the option "New Guardian Profile".

This option allows them to share the Child’s Profile information with a person(s) they choose as Guardian.

Click the "New Guardian Profile" button to continue.

Users can choose as a guardian, either someone in their contact list or someone else.

Click the green arrow in the upper-right corner to continue.

If users choose someone in their contact list the Guardian’s information will be prepopulated. If not, users must enter the Guardian’s information: first name, last name, email, cell phone number, address, and relationship to Guardian.

Enter the required information and click "Next" to continue.

If users choose someone in their contact list the Guardian’s information will be prepopulated. If not, users must enter the Guardian’s information: first name, last name, email, cell phone number, address, and relationship to Guardian.

Enter the required information and click "Save" to continue.

The App allows user to assign multiple Guardians.

The Guardian receives a text message notifying him/her that you shared the Child’s Profile. However, the Guardian must download the App to access the shared profile. The Guardian's cell phone number must be correct so the information can be shared.